
Due meaning
Due meaning

due meaning
  1. #Due meaning tv#
  2. #Due meaning free#
due meaning

The Editors, National Review, The seven plaintiffs say that the restaurant spent at least some of that money-meant to pay workers and keep restaurants afloat as Covid-19 forced eateries to shut down-on extravagances like private planes and country-club dues. 2023 Some states have already ended automatic dues deductions, with Arkansas in April being the latest. 2023 Michigan lawmakers were poised to take up legislation late Wednesday to repeal Michigan's right-to-work law that allows workers in unionized jobs to opt out of paying union dues and fees. Not to be confused with: dew condensed moisture: The early morning dew was on the meadow. owing as a moral or natural right: You’re due for a reward in heaven. 2023 In an organized workplace, are union dues a requirement for the workers? - Johnny C. owed at a later time: This bill is due next month. Jim Saunders, Orlando Sentinel, 29 Mar. The Editors, National Review, The part of the bill preventing automatic deductions of union dues would force union members to make separate payments, which would be less convenient. 2023 If fewer than 60 percent of eligible employees actually pay dues, the union will need to be recertified. David Mcswane, ProPublica, Unfortunately, Black people from every corner of the diaspora have demonstrably not been given their due in the mainstream. owed and payable immediately or on demand. Noun In addition to the monthly dues that Liberty members paid for coverage of their medical bills, all of these ventures benefited from taxpayer money. a payment that is due (e.g., as the price of membership) adjective. Miles Klee, Rolling Stone, Morgan Stanley estimates that approximately $1.5 trillion will be due by the end of 2025, potentially leading to a wave of loan defaults.

due meaning

Adam Beam, Fortune, National attention surrounding Vallow’s case was due in part to the grisly details of the crimes. Washington Post Staff, Washington Post, California’s budget challenges are due in large part to lower tax collections due to a sagging stock market. not used before a noun : required or expected to happen : expected to be in a particular place at a particular time.

#Due meaning tv#

Smithsonian Magazine, Because with all due respect, there must be a foundation to meet any challenge. The Writers Guild of America strike is underway with hundreds of TV and film writers taking to the picket lines, meaning writing work on many TV shows has come to a halt. Daniela Avila, Peoplemag, My mother was pregnant with a much longed-for second child, due in the autumn. Lori Weisberg, San Diego Union-Tribune, On the other hand, if her $1 million policy was instead owned by her life insurance trust, the $1 million in insurance would not be included in her estate, and no tax is due. Trevor Hughes, USA TODAY, As a result, minimum rent was due, the city informed SeaWorld.

#Due meaning free#

Adjective Penny has not yet entered a plea in the case, and is due back in court July 17, free on a $100,000 bond.

Due meaning